Nick Bostrom (1973 - Present Day)

Nick Bostrom is a Swedish philosopher who proposed the simulation theory in 2003. To have a relatively new philosophy introduced in the present is proof that philosophy has many new ideas that are waiting to be discovered. The simulation theory he proposed states that the chances that humans are inside a controlled simulation is not unlikely. In fact, if this theory is true, the probability that humans are inside a simulation is extremely high. To further explain this theory as to what a simulation exactly is, it is best to compare a simulation to a video game. For example, the video game "Dark Souls" is one of the many games with worlds inside screens. You can move your character into different parts of the world, discovering many areas of the world. There is much detail with every step you take inside the video game. Most importantly, the characters inside the video game move accordingly to how the player maneuvers the main character. This type of technology is looked over in many ways with how advanced it actually is. With humans having access to this type of technology, it gives a great idea as to what more we could be capable of. Bostrom argues that the human race will go extinct before we become posthuman. Posthuman as in technological advancement. The perm posthuman refers to a philosophical concept that explores human development beyond how it is currently understood. With the idea of posthuman development becoming more technologically enhanced, it raises a lot of simulation theories to a higher probability of occurring or existing. The future of technology will more than likely affect the future of humanity, fundamentally altering human nature. Nick Bostrom presenting this theory with much research and facts, has opened a door for a plethora of possibilities, or in a very likely case, may have discovered the truth.


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