Socrates (469-399 BCE)

Socrates was a Greek philosopher. Socrates is most commonly known for his method of asking a series of questions to induce critical thinking and create ideas. This method is great for taking contradictions and leading them to a clearer understanding for future researchers to benefit from. Socrates believed in the great importance of knowledge. Knowledge in his mind was the key to living a good life. Most people believe that knowledgeable people are mathematicians or rocket scientists, but Socrates had a firm belief that any type of question can generate intelligent people. Socrates states, "The unexamined life is not worth living," meaning the importance for self-reflection and moral integrity is extremely valuable and important. A value Socrates held closely was the belief that true wisdom comes from one's own acknowledgement of ignorance. He is most famous for stating he "knows nothing.'' With this being said, it made him come across as wiser than those who believed he was not. His death will always be grounding to remember, as he was executed by the Athenian state for corrupting the youth along with his charges of lack of god in his belief system. Socrates is remembered for his commitment to his beliefs, even in the face of death. He accepted his punishment rather than compromise his beliefs. Socrates, unlike many other philosophers, did not write any of his philosophical texts. Most of his knowledge comes from his students such as Xenophon and Plato. The ideas Socrates brought to his students have greatly influenced Western thought. The ideas have significantly shaped the fields of ethics, logic, and epistemology. Socrates will always contribute to the base knowledge of philosophical inquiries and continues to be a cornerstone of philosophical education. Does any person's life deserve to be put to an end for having different beliefs than the common public? Times have indeed changed, so maybe it is a good question to ask- now that we have more freedom of speech, are we using it to the best of our advantage?


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